SSHS students enjoy welding
Four SSHS students have discovered a passion for welding in their Advanced Materials course, taught by Mr. Zampella.
kindess crew
DN Kindness Crew
The Dorothy Nolan Kindness Crew recently shared an update with the Board of Education about their efforts to create a more welcoming school environment.
Saratoga Springs High School partnered with SUNY Adirondack to offer instant admission to the entire Class of 2025. This opportunity ensures that every student has a path to consider higher education.
BOE pres
Division Street Students
Division Street students gave a tour of the school’s recent renovations and modernized classrooms prior to the November Board of Education meeting.
athletic pres
National Signing Day
Students and staff from the Unified Sports program shared their experiences during the annual Physical Education, Health, and Interscholastic Athletics presentation.
signing day
National Signing Day
Saratoga Springs High School proudly recognized 19 student-athletes during a National Signing Day ceremony.
Athletic Hall of Fame 2024
Congratulations to the 2024 Blue Streak Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees!
garden club
garden club photo
The Division Street Garden Club meets regularly to care for the school's beautiful garden!
AIS teachers
AIS teachers
Geyser Road AIS teachers had the opportunity to share their amazing work with the Board of Education.
unified sports
Saratoga Springs High School has been named a National Banner Unified Champion School.

District Office

3 Blue Streak Boulevard
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Phone: (518) 583-4700

Dr. Michael Patton

Staff Directory

Districtwide Events

Thursday, February 13

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Board of Education Meeting
Saratoga Springs High School (1 Blue Streak Blvd, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, United States)

Monday, February 17Friday, February 21

Mid-Winter Recess

Thursday, February 27

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Board of Education Meeting
Saratoga Springs High School (1 Blue Streak Blvd, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, United States)

Thursday, March 6

All Day
Elementary Reports Cards Issued
Full Calendar
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