Morning Announcements – November 28th, 2023

November 28th, 2023 

Today is an “A” Day 


 Club Meetings and Information November 28th, 2023 


Picture Re-take Days are today, November 28 and Thursday, November 30.  If a student ordered a package and having a re-take, they need to return it. 

Attention Maple Ave 7th Graders!  Want to be part of history?  The 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party is December 16!  Bring in small bags of LOOSE tea (NO Tea bags) to your social studies teacher and your tea will end up in Boston Harbor when they reenact the event next month.  The deadline to submit your tea will be December 8.  Let’s remember this famous protest by having Saratoga’s tea fill Boston Harbor! 

Ms. Douglas class will begin selling popcorn during all lunches on Friday 12/1 

Math Club will be meeting after school until 3:00 on Wednesday, 11/29 in Room 232. 

There is a student council meeting on 11/29 in Mrs. Kerls’ room. 

Introduction to Bagpiping will meet this Wednesday in room P222. 

During flex today, Wednesday, and Thursday this week, librarians from Saratoga Public Library will be available in our library to talk to you (students) about books, the Teen Volunteer Program, and programs they offer for teens. They’ll have a craft project and giveaways, so please get a pass from your flex teacher to stop by and meet them during flex on one of those three days 


Check out the Maple Avenue Club Calendar for club meetings and room information! 


make it a great day, or not… the choice is yours!