Morning Announcements – February 2nd, 2024

February 2nd, 2024 

Today is a “B” Day 




 Club Meetings and Information February 2nd, 2024 

Attention Eighth Graders: If you are interested in auditioning for a Chorus at the High School, please plan on staying after school in room A118 on Tuesday 2/6 for an informational meeting.  Contact with questions! 

 On February 5th to February 14th take on the Tackle hunger challenge. The Tackle hunger Challange is a food drive where students can donate canned or boxed foods. To know more about what foods to donate keep an eye out for the flyers posted in the hallway. You can donate food by giving it to your Flex teacher. In addition, the flex that donates the most in that grade level will receive a Dunkin Donuts treat! Tackle the challenge and get donating! 

Join in some drumming fun with Dr. Green! Drumming is a healthy way to reduce stress and provides a wonderful, creative outlet. In a group setting, drumming helps to build communication and is simply- a blast! Open to all grades. No experience necessary. We will be meeting on Monday, February 5th. 



Check out the Maple Avenue Club Calendar for club meetings and room information! 


make it a great day, or not… the choice is yours!