
Maple Avenue Middle School Academics

Maple Avenue Middle School follows a consistent program of studies and curriculum, aligned with the New York State Learning Standards.

Art | Computer Science & App Design | English Language Arts (ELA) | Health | Home & Careers (Family & Consumer Sciences) | Mathematics | Music | Physical Education | Social Studies | Science | Technology | World Languages

Required Classes: Grade 6 | Grade 7 | Grade 8


The goal of the art program is to foster appreciation, knowledge, and development of the visual arts. Each year of art builds upon the student’s prior knowledge. Through the creation of their own artwork, students will learn about a variety of mediums and techniques. Concepts and vocabulary will be introduced and developed in color theory, drawing, painting, ceramics, mixed media, and 3-dimensional works.

Computer Science & App Design

This program offers grade 6 students the opportunity to gain valuable “life skills” and is broken into several segments that teach necessary skills to keep current in an ever-changing technological society. The class helps to prepare students for computer experiences encountered in various subject areas throughout their middle and high school education.

English Language Arts (ELA)

English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum is grounded in the New York State Standards for English Language Arts. Instruction focuses on the essential standards within the 4 core areas of language arts, which are reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. English Language Arts instruction for grade 6 students consists of Language Arts 6 and ELA What I Need (WIN).

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This course covers nine functional knowledge contents, comprised of physical activity and nutrition, HIV/AIDS, sexual risk, alcohol and other drugs, tobacco, family life and sexual health, violence prevention, unintended injury, and other required health areas. The course also covers seven life skills, including self-management, relationship management, stress management, communication, planning and goal setting, decision making and advocacy.

Home and Careers (Family & Consumer Sciences)

Students gain knowledge and skills through hands-on activities, decision making, self-reflection, and goal planning. An integral part of this curriculum is to promote healthy living, positive outcomes, self-independence, and meaningful life skills that will result in successful career plans. The curriculum is designed to provide continuity from grade 7 to the high school Family & Consumer Science electives for any student wishing to pursue this content area in greater depth.


Mathematics instruction for grades 6 – 8 is based on the New York State Standards. Mathematics instruction through the Common Core Standards will help students develop and cultivate skills and knowledge based in mathematical practices that include problem solving, reasoning, modeling, precision and critical thinking. Students will be challenged to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them to build foundational skills and content for future development of mathematics and to make sense of the real-world applications. Mathematics instruction for grade 6 students consists of Math 6 and Math What I Need (WIN). In addition, math acceleration is offered in grades 7 and 8.

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Music – General Music & Middle School Ensembles

The middle school music programs offer students the chance to grow in music responsiveness in various ways. Grade 6 students have the option to take either General Music or to participate in one of our performing ensembles, band, chorus, or orchestra. Grade 7 & 8 students are required to take one music course. Students in band, orchestra and chorus also have the opportunity to participate in All County, Suburban Council, and New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) Solo Music Festivals.

Physical Education

The middle school physical education program emphasizes maintaining personal health and builds skills in team and individual sports, cooperative activities, and fitness. Physical Education includes activities such as adventure games, basketball, handball, flag football, lacrosse, pickle ball, rowing, yoga, and more!

Social Studies

Social studies in grade 6 is a continuation from grade 5, studying the history of the world. The program emphasizes the interdependence of all people and their connection to the interaction of geography and economics. In grade 7, students will take part in the presentation of American History from pre-Columbian time through the Civil War. This course is part of a two-year sequence in American History. In grade 8, student continue the chronological study of American History with emphasis on America’s development in the 19th and 20th centuries.

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The Science 6 curriculum is an introduction to middle school science and engineering practices. This includes the exploration of life science topics such as ecology, cycles in nature, the Earth’s ecosystems, cell structure, and heredity. The Science 7 curriculum investigates planet Earth. Students will learn about the Earth’s internal and external structure and the reasons for many natural phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanoes. The Science 8 curriculum incorporates many demonstrations and laboratory activities in chemistry, and physics. Students will explore matter and its states and investigate the properties of matter at the level of an atom up through compounds and mixtures. In addition, science acceleration is offered in grade 7 to prepare students to take a Regents level course in grade 8.


The Technology Department provides middle school students the opportunity to explore many areas of engineering. The department is committed to developing 21st century learners, innovators, and creators as well as evolving a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) workforce to meet the demands of a global society.

World Languages

World Languages, part of the core curriculum, play a crucial role in the preparation of our students to become valued global citizens. Students begin study of their choice of French or Spanish in grade 7. In grade 8, students complete one high school unit of credit in either French or Spanish by passing both the 8th grade course and the Second Language Proficiency Exam.

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Required Classes

Grade 6

Language Arts – 1 period daily plus 1 period of WIN every other day
Math – 1 period daily plus 1 period of Math WIN or
Science – 1 period a day
Social Studies – 1 period a day
Art – 1 period every other day
Computer Science & App Design – 1 period every other day
Physical Ed – 1 period every other day
General Music – 1 period every other day
Chorus, Orchestra & Band – 1 period every other day*

Grade 7

Language Arts – 1 period a day
Math – 1 period a day or Accelerated Math
Science – 1 period a day or Accelerated Science
Social Studies – 1 period a day or U.S. History Honors
World Language (Spanish/French) – 1 period a day
Art – 1 period every other day
Health – 1 period every other day
Music or Performing Music – 1 period every other day
Physical Ed – 1 period every other day
Home & Careers – 1 period a day for a half year
Technology – 1 period a day for a half year

Grade 8

Language Arts – 1 period a day or English/U.S. History Honors
Math – 1 period a day or Algebra I CCSS
Science – 1 period a day or Earth Science/Biology
Social Studies – 1 period a day or English/U.S. History Honors
World Language (Spanish/French) – 1 period a day
Art – 1 period every other day
Music or Performing Music – 1 period every other day
Physical Ed – 1 period every other day
Technology – 1 period a day for a half year or
STEM Academy – 1 period a day for a full year

*Optional Courses