Dorothy Nolan Drop-off and pick-up procedures


All students may enter the building at 9:10 a.m. Students purchasing breakfast should go directly to the cafeteria and then to their classrooms. 

Students who arrive after 9:20 a.m. must be brought to the Attendance Office by parents or guardians through the Main Entrance.


Riders and walkers are dismissed at 3:23 p.m. A staff member and crossing guard will assist walkers in crossing Jones Road. Students riding buses are dismissed soon after and depart the school between 3:35-3:40 p.m.

If your child must be dismissed early, before 3:00 p.m., please send a note to the teacher on that day. If someone other than a parent is picking up your child, please indicate this in the note. Students will not be allowed to be signed out at the Attendance Office between 3:00-3:35 p.m.

NOTE: All bus/pick-up changes must be called in to the office by 3:00 p.m. If you have a last minute pick-up change we may ask you to park and come in to the main/attendance office so we can properly note the change. This is for the safety of our students.

Rider Loop

Our rider loop procedures are designed to maintain a safe and orderly arrival and dismissal for you, our students, and our staff. The following guidelines provide a general awareness to all involved as well as provide information that will help expedite the process.

Rider Loop Arrival

  • The Rider Loop is available for dropping off students from 9:00 AM until 9:10 AM.
  • Students who arrive after 9:20 AM must be brought to the attendance office by a parent/guardian through the main entrance.
  • Please abide by the posted signs and utilize the complete loop by pulling up past the entrance and progressing to the end of the loop before letting children out of your vehicle.
  • Once the loop is full, students may be let out of the vehicle when traffic is at a standstill and the vehicle they are riding in falls between the posted release signs.
  • For the children’s safety, please do not let your child exit the vehicle from the driver-side.
  • Adult drivers should remain in their vehicle at all times.
  • Please refrain from idling while waiting. The American Lung Association has advocated for eliminating unnecessary idling to help protect our children’s health and protect the environment.

Rider Loop Dismissal

  • We ask that you do not arrive prior to your designated time to prevent a backup before dismissal.
  • Students who are riding will exit at approximately 3:23 PM.
  • Please pull into the rider’s loop. This is a three lane entrance. There will be someone to direct you where to go. We have created a three lane system so traffic does not back up onto Jones Rd.
  • Students will be asked to wait behind the line until they see their car and all cars have come to a complete stop.
  • Students must enter their vehicle on the passenger’s side.
  • Adult drivers will be asked to proceed to the front of the rider’s loop and wait for their child. As vehicles move, please continue to pull all the way forward.
  • Adults must remain in their vehicles at all times. (Adult drivers may not park and walk up to get their children. We cannot have pedestrian traffic in the rider’s loop.) Please refrain from idling while waiting.
  • Once you have your child in the vehicle, you must wait for the entire loop to begin moving before driving away. Do not attempt to drive around parked vehicles that are waiting for students.