Virtual Presentation on Navigating Cyber Abuse on February 7

Do you know how to talk with your children about the various ways technology can be used against them? Almost all of us, adults and children alike, spend some time on our devices every day, scrolling, posting, browsing, and communicating with our online “friends”. Are they all who they seem to be, in real life or on the screen? How can you tell? How can your children tell?

We invite you to join us for a virtual program on “Navigating Cyber Abuse in the Digital World,” which will be held on Wednesday, February 7, at 6 p.m. This program aims to provide valuable insights into identifying and addressing cyber abuse, and ensuring the safety of your children and yourselves online.  Click here to register through the program through Teams.

Christie Keegan, Wellspring educator and advocate for over twenty five years, in a discussion about the ways to protect your children and yourselves from individuals using technology for the wrong reasons. Wellspring is the Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis response agency in Saratoga County, providing no fee services to victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault for close to forty years.