Caroline Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures


If a family drives their child to school, then please use the Kiss and Drop. The Kiss and Drop is a location coned off in front of the school on Caroline Street.

  1. Please pull up between the traffic cones, put your car in park, and have your child exit the vehicle on the passenger side of the car.
  2. Staff members are there to receive your child between 9:05 am-9:20 am.
  3. Please do not release your child without a staff member present.
  4. Any child arriving after 9:20 am must be escorted by the parent/guardian to the main office and be signed in.

Please do NOT use the Kiss and Drop if you must exit the car to assist your child to get out of the car or with any belongings. Instead, drive past the Kiss and Drop and find a parking space on the right hand side of the street.

Pick-up Information between 9:30 a.m.-2:50 p.m.

Families should submit all pick-up requests (e.g. doctor appointment) through the School Dismissal Manager app by a 9 a.m.

End of Day Parent-Pick-Up at 3:20pm

  1. Submit your request before 2 p.m. on School Dismissal Manager
  2. Arrive to school by 3:20 p.m.
  3. Check-in with staff at the main exit.
  4. Bring Photo ID, if necessary.