2022-23 Maple Yearbook Information

The Yearbook Club is working hard to document the year and put together the book now!  We will have other opportunities for picture submissions so stay tuned!

Yearbook Ordering

2022-2023 Yearbooks are pre-order only.  They are $15.00 ($16.05 with tax) color and soft cover.  They will arrive to Maple Avenue in the late spring and will be passed out to those that pre-ordered only.  Click here to order a yearbook.

Photo Submissions

Please submit your own images of students out in the community or at home under the category of “WINTER FUN” for our 2022-2023 Yearbook! 

Follow the instructions in the link. Winter Fun Images: https://images.jostens.com/0ZsxbP5hufBWMM-pkkfvAnA
The yearbook club with be selecting the images for the yearbook. Not all images uploaded will be included in the yearbook, but we will do the best that we can! Thank you for understanding and we appreciate your participation!